In a jaw-dropping turn of events, an Australian man orchestrated an elaborate surprise proposal by pretending to kidnap his girlfriend in Lebanon. The shocking engagement was captured on TikTok by his sister Tahlia, who shared the video earlier this month under the caption “how my brother decided to propose in Lebanon.”
The video unfolds with the bride-to-be, Vanessa, seated in the backseat of a sedan alongside her family, when their vehicle is abruptly stopped on the road by individuals wearing balaclavas, appearing to be criminals.
Under the pretense of a harrowing situation, the strangers forcibly remove the women from the car at gunpoint, while Vanessa fiercely resists, pleading, “No, please!” Only after her family encourages her, she reluctantly allows herself to be taken captive and transferred to another vehicle.
“I’m not going with them,” Vanessa implores, “I told them I’ll give them whatever they want.”
The subsequent events are unsettling, as Vanessa is involuntarily dragged while blindfolded, visibly fearing for her safety, until they reach a spot on the beach. As the blindfold is removed, she discovers her boyfriend standing before her, holding flowers and a black jewelry box.
Vanessa can only manage to exclaim, “You’re joking!” in response to the ordeal.
What follows in the video is a mixture of tears, sheer joy, and a heartwarming bending of the knee.
Later, the bride-to-be took to her own Facebook account to share images from the proposal, describing it as “a dream come true.”
According to Tahlia, the prankster’s sister, “[Adam] always joked that he wanted to propose in a way to scare her, and my family joined in and made it possible when she was visiting family in Lebanon.” She further explained to the Daily Mail, “They always play pranks on each other, so it’s just their relationship … the overall planning took three months.”